With a panoramic view of Newcastle’s most iconic landmarks, including The Baltic, Millennium Bridge, Sage & the Tyne Bridge, we are incredibly lucky to have one of the best outlooks of Newcastle from our very own office.
Our outdoor Terrace space has always been a ‘wow’ moment when showing guests around our incredible studio - which usually leads into a quick photo opportunity as they take in the view.

The space is also a sun trap in the summer, with ZeroLight staff taking advantage of the warm weather (when possible) during lunch breaks and informal meetings. It gets so hot up there we keep a stash of suntan lotion for anyone sitting out in summer!

This Spring, we decided that we wanted to elevate the space, so our Operations Team got together and brainstormed ideas on what we can do to make better use of this brilliant part of our studio.
One thing that we all agreed would be great to do was incorporate more greenery both from plants and by growing our own veg in the space.
We’ve always been keen to increase the green in the studio and we already have living moss walls and plants dotted throughout, knowing the wellbeing benefits of reduced stress and increasing calm that come from having plants around the workplace.
Our Admin Coordinator, Mandy was tasked with starting our terrace garden and has been hard at work selecting a range of colour flowers to brighten the areas, as well as deciding upon what fruit and veg can be easily grown in the space.
So far we’ve had strawberries, tomatoes, peas, cress and lettuce from our veg patch as well as herbs like coriander, chives and rosemary.

It’s great for staff to pick a few bits to add to their sandwiches and salads at lunch time and it really helps to make the terrace garden feel like a green haven in the middle of the city.