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January's ZLSocial: Board Game Night III

For our first #ZLSocial of the year we had the return of our popular Board Games Night. Our Tech Director (but more importantly board games expert) Dave brought in a huge selection of unique games from around the world- so with games, pizza and beers we were set for the night.

Although these games proved a lot more difficult than your traditional Snakes & Ladders. In ‘Fold It', each person was given a cloth with different foods printed on and we had to fold up the cloth to match the dishes on a card. This simple instruction became one of the most difficult rules to follow for the night, leaving half the group frustrated how ‘impossible' it was and the other half gloating in how they managed the impossible (I came second, by the way).

Another game was ‘Code Names', where we worked in teams to guess certain words without becoming assassinated by choosing the wrong word. It sounded easy; we were confident. The game ended, however, in one team celebrating that they had won only to realise they had in fact accidentally cheated (it was my team, by the way).

After plenty of new board games, pool and table tennis, we ended the night with a standard few hundred rounds of Pictionary. It's only when you play this game with people in tech you realise how much you can actually draw for ‘Conditional' and ‘Resourceful'. If like me you don't work in tech - then hope for a film round.

A very enjoyable social to start off 2020. Thanks to Prima Pizza for the food, and Dave for providing us with so many games!