How many times have you worked for a Company which presumed to know what you wanted and what was important to you? Here at Zerolight, we don’t believe in speaking for our staff and believe that the only way we can ever really understand what is important to our people is to ask them.
We have a number of mechanisms by which we can gather feedback.
We use a system called HiBob for our HR records, this has a great survey function so we use this for targeting feedback following key events, such as our collaboration weeks or the introduction of new initiatives to see how they are landing and where we can refine and continue to improve. The results of this feedback are then shared with the business to promote transparency across the board. We also use HiBob to ‘shout out’ colleagues for their great work. This provides real time feedback and recognition for our hard working teams.

Seeking employee feedback starts as soon as you do at ZeroLight with our onboarding surveys and how we can make that first month as engaging as possible for people.
We have our internal system called ZLCore which contains information on all things ZeroLight. It also allows employees to submit completely confidential feedback to the talent team for us to act upon. It is so confidential that even we don’t know where it has come from unless people add their names!
Every year we are excited and proud to host our Talent Recognition Awards which are presented at the annual christmas party. We have a winner for each one of our 4 company values, nominated, voted for and decided entirely by their colleagues. These awards give employees the opportunity to feedback on and recognise the brilliant work of their peers over the year and bring our values to the forefront of everyone’s minds.
It sounds simple but never underestimate the importance of a conversation. We are always gathering feedback here at ZeroLight. Mandy finds out which treats are popular for those much-needed pick me ups on the terrace. Melissa is always improving our processes with questions on everything from travel booking to recruitment and onboarding and Charlotte and Erin are seeking feedback on initiatives, systems and team events. We use the fact that we are a close-knit team to ensure we continue to listen to our staff and create a working environment which they truly want to be a part of.

Why do we do all this? We pride ourselves on our transparency. Collaboration is one of our key values and we have incredible people here at ZeroLight with brilliant ideas. We want to know what makes them happy to keep them engaged with us and to continue to improve the working environment for all of us.
A key example of using employee feedback to improve our processes comes from our quarterly collaboration weeks. This is a big undertaking which requires every member of staff to be in the Newcastle office at the same time. It is a huge time commitment for all of our staff, particularly for those who work remotely. Therefore, we need to be sure that we are getting the most out of this time together and making it valuable for all of those involved. Using the survey scores from this year we can see that gathering feedback has continued to allow us to incrementally improve and makes these weeks exactly what our people are looking for. Our score for the March session was 3.52/5, June was 3.60/5 and September’s score was a whopping 4.56/5. We are hoping to top that with our festive collaboration week in the coming month.
The only reason we were able to see these tangible improvements was because we gathered the feedback from our staff and (most importantly) acted on it! As a talent team, we always ensure that we don’t try to fill in the blanks for people - if we don’t know, ask!